
ArrestinDb (Arrestin database) offers:

  • Reference data (see Data box)
  • Analysis tools (browse menu)
  • Visualization (e.g., snakeplots)
  • Data deposition (for arrestin couplings and interface mutations)

Arrestins can 'arrest' signaling by blocking GPCR-mediated G protein coupling and inducing receptor internalization. They are also scaffold proteins rectruiting and assembling other signaling proteins and can be involved in biased signaling1


  • Sequences
  • 4 Human arrestins
  • 90 Species orthologs
  • Couplings
  • 300 Arrestin couplings
  • Structures
  • 60 Arrestins
  • 458 Generic residues
  • 12 Arrestin complexes
  • Structure interactions
  • 334,216 Interface interactions
  • Mutations
  • 409 Interface mutations


A new database has been born. ArrestinDb is dedicated to arrestin proteins, which like G proteins, are major GPCR transducers but also have their own highly active research community. The publication is planned for end of 2023 or early 2024. Meanwhile, try it out and let us know what you think.

Related resources

GPCRdb, GproteinDb, ArrestinDb and Biased Signaling Atlas cover related aspects of signal transduction while serving dedicated research communities and use cases.